As we start the year virtually, student engagement is a hot topic. As teachers we know what to do to keep students engaged in the classroom. But, what happens ...
A Bitmoji Classroom and Student Engagement
The Virtual School Option, and why this time will be better
If you choose your district's virtual school through your district or you’re sending your child back to school physically, know that some major changes have ...
Back to School Organization
Going back to school during a pandemic is something most of us were not prepared for nor would we ever imagine it as a way of life. As humans we are resilient ...
How to help a child with ADHD
How to help a child with ADHD? This is a question I get from teachers on a regular basis. I will say that in most cases it is with good intentions, teachers ...
Classroom Strategies for ADHD -Making It Work Education
Teaching students with ADHD can be difficult. Especially if you've never done it before but it's all about how you embrace it. As a parent of a child with ...
5 Dyslexia Tips for Teachers
By nature I am a person who believes people, my students, my children can do anything they set their minds to. I know, It's super cheesy but I do. This also ...