During the school year, students spend more time at school than at home. This is why building relationships is so important. You will be spending so much time together, and it’s essential to your classroom environment that you get to know your students. It is so important to build strong relationships with your students so you can ensure a thriving atmosphere for the year. Here are 6 ways teachers can build relationships with students.
Greet Them Each Day
Nobody likes a grumpy teacher. Greet your students each day. Every morning when my students come in I greet them with a “Good Morning” I let them know that I am so glad to see them. When the day is over, I’m sure to tell them I can’t wait to see them tomorrow.
Mistakes are okay
Everyone makes mistakes, students and teachers. Be sure that your students know it is okay to make mistakes. Create a nurturing environment where students feel encouraged to try hard without the fear of embarrassment or shame.
Share Stories
Share personal stories that help you connect with students. I always tell the students stories from when I was little or stories about my kids. I love to tell them the stories my grandmother used to tell me as a little girl. These stories build a connection between you and your students. These stories let them get to know you better. I encourage my students to talk and share their own stories. Throughout the school year my students journal and share stories about them and their families. Building relationships with parents is also important, too.
Show them you care
You can use quick simple strategies like “Check in, check out” or “How’s the weather”to show students you care. Check-in with students each day. This allows you to understand each individual student’s need on that particular day. This is also a way to manage problems before they happen. Maybe Sara didn’t sleep well and is tired this morning, the check-in process would let you know that you may need to be extra patient with Sara today.Take time to listen to them. When your students talk, stop, and listen to them. Make eye contact, show them that you are paying attention and that what they need to say is important.
Create lessons around their interest
At the beginning of the year I have the students take a questionnaire. I use this questionnaire to get to know what my students interest are. I can tell you that every year music is always on the list. My students love music so making up raps, songs or poems at the end of a theme unit is always a big hit. Be sure to incorporate the things your students like into your lessons.
Have a sense of humor
You have to have a sense of humor. I remember being a brand new teacher, so excited about my first job. The first piece of advice I got from veteran teachers was” Don’t smile ’til Christmas” I thought “What?!” Needless to say, I broke that rule every year. used ti have the advise veteran teachers used to give You have to laugh every day, Laugh, every day! Enjoy your students, let the
In order to build relationships with your students you will have to be willing to let them see who you are. They need to see your authentic self. Greet them each day, let them mistakes are okay, Share stories, show them you care, create lessons around their interest, and you must have a sense of humor.