I have been working from home for a few years now, in the beginning, it was rough. I had to make some major changes to help me become productive. In this time of COVID-19 working from home has a whole new spin on it. Working from home with kids is a challenge. It makes me think that wine or vodka is essential for most days! Just kidding but is definitely hard. I’ve had to change it up some of my processes so that my husband and I don’t become raging alcoholics and our kids, can function in this chaos.
Before COVID-19 I was working from home while my kids were at school, this worked out perfectly, I worked until it was time to pick up my kids. Once the kids were home I put on my mom hat, boom easy! Boy have things changed. Everyone is home, and people tend to need me ALL day long. It could be finding a missing toy, the classic “He hit me for no reason.” my favorite, “My computer won’t work” or just someone needing snuggles from momma, but it’s always something. We finally turned a corner when we put some action steps into place. Now, we are in the swing of things and I’m working this Work From Home -Teach From Home thing like a boss, well maybe like a supervisor but these tips really helped me/us get to a good place.
Wake up before the kids
For me this is essential if I want to get work done without any interruptions. A few things that happen when I wake up before the kids
I get some quiet time to myself and I can do my morning routines without interruptions. For me this means, reading and journaling for a few minutes. Getting dressed and maybe having some hot tea or a quick breakfast. Then straight to work!
If your job has set hours they want you to be available use this time to get things done that will make your day easier. Prep meals for the day, throw in a few loads of laundry or tidy up. This will leave you fewer things to do after your full workday and a bit more time to relax.
Everyone pitches in
For this, to work everyone needs to pitch in. Have older kids help younger ones with easy tasks Like school work, getting dressed or making a snack. Younger kids can pitch in too, by picking up toys, making their bed and brushing teeth. Now I can’t promise that any of this will be done with perfection but at least an effort will be made. My husband who is an essential worker tends to the kids for most of the day on his days off, if you have another adult who is able to pitch-in take full advantage of their help.
Have a Designated Work Space
You need a designated workspace. An office with a desk is ideal but a kitchen or dining room table works great, too. Make sure this is a space no one will need throughout the day so that you don’t have to move or readjust your space. Make sure your space has everything you need: pens, any paperwork or files. This will keep you from having to go find the items you need, and killing your concentration. Your kids need a workspace too, find out how to make learning from home, work for them too.
Be Flexible
With everyone at home flexibility is a must. We have all had to adapt to one another’s needs. I try to work early in the morning, this way once the kids get up I can take a break. If you have toddlers or infants work while they nap. If you don’t have another adult to watch them just set up a playpen or bouncer next to your workspace to ensure your little one is safe while you work. These websites can keep older kids busy or check out these resources.
Plan for the Next Day
Have a schedule for each day. If you have online meetings the next day or google meets with your students make sure you have it all planned out. Plan a time to check and return emails and the task that takes up the most time. Taking time at the end of each day to plan will ensure you know what needs to be done when you wake up the next day so you can hit the ground running.
When Work is Done for the day, It’s Done!
When you email your last parent for the day or have your last meeting with a client, when work is done, It’s done! Set a specific time to stop working each day. This time could be set by your employer or by the completion of the task on your schedule. Either way have an end time or task for each day.
When working from home, home life and work can all run together. Avoid checking emails or making work related calls after your work day is done. Unless it is life threatening it can wait til tomorrow. Tidy up your workspace and walk away.
Be Present
When you are done working for the day be present. Now that work is done, interact with your family. Get some fresh air and take a walk around your neighborhood.Cook dinner together, watch a movie and just enjoy each other’s company. Life has slowed down for many families. Delight in this time that you can spend with the ones you love most.
You may have to Adjust Everyone’s Schedules
If you have school aged kids they may have assignments to do. If they are too young to work on their own you may need to help them after your work day is done. This is where older siblings can help. Have your older child help the younger children with anything that they can, this will only leave the harder assignments for you to work with your child on when you have finished working.
Take a Lunch Break
Don’t you dare eat at your desk! Take a lunch break away from your computer each day. This gives you a chance to check in on the kids and a moment to relax. Check to see who needs help with assignments, remind kids of chores they need to do and make lunch( like sandwiches) for everyone.Then hug your kiddos and get back to work.
Sum it up
Working at home with kids is a challenge but right now most of us don’t have a choice, all we can do is breathe and try our best.
Wake up before the kids, make sure everyone pitches in, have a designated workspace, be flexible, and always plan for the next day. Remember when work is done, it’s done, be present with your family. You may need to adjust everyone’s schedule to make your work and Take a Lunch Break every single day. We’re in this for the long haul and we have no idea how long that will be so, slow down.
Although we have plenty of things to stress about right now most of them we can’t change. We can, however, embrace this time we have with our families, loving them and cherishing them. Be blessed.
Good information!!!You are doing a great job!
Thanks so much!!
I love that