I am always excited to share African American history with my students but when February comes I am really excited. I love to just engulf my student in the rich ...
Sharing African American History with students
Virtual Tech free engagement tools for teachers
You don't have to be techie to engage students virtually. Tech free virtual student engagement still benefits students and is stress for the not so techie ...
3 Essentials You Need for your Virtual Classroom
Teaching online has become a very normal thing in the recent months. We are all rocking and rolling with virtually teaching, I mean it is our new normal. I ...
How to teach tech without overwhelm
In virtual teaching, I am the teacher who wants to use all the techie stuff. I love exploring new programs. This makes ME happy but I realize everyone is not ...
What is Cognitive Overload?
Cognitive overload is when our brains receive too much information to process at one time. When we teach in-person we have the advantage of proximity and the ...
How to Support Parents in Virtual Learning
As I have talked with teachers I hear a lot of them say they struggle with parent support in Virtual Learning. How can we support parents in Virtual learning? ...